Monday, March 24, 2008

The Other Boleyn Girl + Becoming Jane

I saw The Other Boleyn girl a week ago with Kathleen and I really, really enjoyed it. The Tudor period of England has always been one of my favorite historical eras so it was definitely a fun and interesting couple of hours. Phillipa Gregory's take on the story of Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII isn't exactly historically accurate, but interesting and appealing enough for me to want to pick up the book in the near future.

It was a well-shot movie with visually pleasing sets, scenery, and costumes (the one notable exception being the necklace Anne spent most of the movie wearing that looked like it was stolen right off of Betty Suarez's neck). The storyline was fairly interesting, but what I found most compelling about the film were the characters and the interpretive decisions the actors made in portraying them. I think every actor did a fine job, but I'd like to make special note of Jim Sturgess and Natalie Portman. Jim Sturgess played George Boleyn, and he's probably most well-known for his portrayal of Jude in Across The Universe, a movie I have just recently fallen head over heels in love with, so it was a pretty delightful surprise to see his name up on the screen during the opening credits. He was great. I think I'm officially a fangirl. In the book, Phillipa Gregory chose to portray George as a homosexual, which the movie hinted at but never directly stated, and I thought Jim Sturgess did a good job of layering the nuances of that in very sutble ways. And Natalie Portman is just good in everything, isn't she? Well, "Hold me like you did by the lake on Naboo..." aside... ;-) What I really loved about her performance was the way she made Anne cruel and calculating and harsh but absolutely sympathetic all at the same time. I felt sorry for Anne and the way her life never seemed to go her own way, and all throughout the film you could just feel her desperation to have some semblance of control over the things that were happening to her and around her. Very nicely done.

I was, however, not as pleased with Becoming Jane, which I watched last night. Don't get me wrong, I didn't hate this movie, I just didn't love it. I'm actually rather conflicted as to what rating I should give it on Netflix, which doesn't happen very often. The problem with this movie was that it was well acted, well shot, and well done in terms of props and costuming and location, but the script was just somewhat disappointing. The movie bordered on downright boring in parts, but mostly I couldn't invest myself in a love story that felt like it had no natural progression. I'm not talking about the instantaneousness of "movie love", but when Jane and Tom Lefroy finally gave in to their feelings for each other, it felt forced and unnatural, which is weird because the actors had great chemistry! I don't know, man. Like I said, I think the script was really at fault here. Even the sub-plots felt tacked on. It's an interesting idea, the never-married Jane Austen falling in love in her youth and being inspired to write her great novels by a love that could never come to frutition, but the script just fell flat. There were some good moments, though, and it was worth seeing once. I always enjoy a little bit of Maggie Smith being a cranky British woman in my life.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Across The Universe

I watched the film 'Across The Universe' for the very first time on Friday afternoon. Wow. What an incredible two hours that was! I immediately wanted to re-start the movie and watch it again, but I had to go to work, so I'm saving my second viewing for sometime this weekend. This film is very reminiscent of Tim Burton's stylistics, yet I don't think it can quite be compared completely to a Burton film because this movie is just so original and unique and visionary. It's fun and whimsical and strange, the acting is superb, the music is absolutely WONDERFUL (what a fun and clever use of classic Beatles songs), and the characters are real and complex and flawed, but I found myself loving them and cheering for them and wanting every single one of them to have a happy ending. For a movie with such an "psychedelic" feel, the love story was refreshingly realistic. This movie made me not only want to fall in love in the midst of the radical hippy movement of the 60's, but to be a part of that era and that time, to live and love freely without social restraint. Up until today I'd always considered myself a fair-weather Beatles fan -- I know all the hits, I'm familiar with their repertoire, and I appreciate their place in pop culture and what they did for the music scene. However, this movie made me want to be a full-on fan: consider this the beginning of my Beatles Revolution. Eddie Izzard and Bono make fantastic cameos in this film. If you haven't seen it, I highly, highly recommend it!

As a bit of a side note, and without giving too much away, my favorite moment of the entire film happens at the very, very end of the movie when the cast is singing one song and then one of the characters chimes in with the chorus of another song in this sort of sonic duet of bliss. Combined, it sends such an incredible message about life and love, I think. Sometimes I really do believe that all you need is love.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

"I think this line's mostly filler..."

Right now I'm currently sitting at my work desk (well, I share it with the other staff members) counting down the minutes until I get to go home (an hour and 13 minutes, as I type this). Don't get me wrong, I love my job, but I'm staaaaarving and according to my mom there's pizza rolls waiting for me.

I feel like I need to include more posts here before I start linking people and pestering them to get Blogspots of their own so I can comment to them and read their posts. It was a little confusing getting everything started, but I think I've gotten the hang of it. Today I've been working on some tweaks and edits, as well as structuring my sidebar links. Blah blah blah, this is all pretty boring, right? I have two books to finish before I start posting book reviews (one book is the third novel just released in a planned series of six, and the other is a book I bought at the bargain price table at Barnes and Noble).

Ok, here's something substantial I think I can post. There used to be a website affiliated with T-Mobile Sidekicks where you could take pictures and post them to a sort of blog (you could also write full-on blog entries if you wanted, no pictures necessary). Well, the website was revamped entirely and what was once is now I have a link to my PBD profile off to the right, but haven't uploaded anything there because on the whole, I found the Hiptop site to be much more user-friendly. I lost some (not all) of my pictures and entries on Hiptop when it was usurped, which is unfortunate. So, I'll be uploading to this blog the pictures from my Sidekick that I have currently, and I think I might just cut out the middle man (aka PBD) and just post anything taken on my phone right here. Stay tuned for that, Maddie, since you're the only one reading this right now!

Friday, March 7, 2008

testing 1, 2, 3...

So, here I am. I signed up for this Blogspot because I thought it might be fun to have a place to post pictures and updates about my life somewhere other than MySpace. So we'll see how it goes! My goal is to start taking more pictures and better document the things I'm doing with my "wild and crazy" 20's (and by wild and crazy I mean not at all). So I'm going to work on trying to figure this thing out, and we'll see how it goes!