Wednesday, June 3, 2009

"Change is inevitable - except from a vending machine."

I'm migrating from this blog over to Tumblr. I'm keeping this open because I still want to update my concert master list and keep track of the Oprah book club selections I one day hope to maybe try and read. I also like being able to keep up with old friends from high school and other friends who use this site regularly (that means you, Miss Jordie ♥). I might come back and post from time to time, but for now, all my blog-like randomness will be over at my Tumblr account.

I have two other blogs under this account, a picture blog and a health + wellness blog (currently locked until I can stop eating crap and get my lazy butt in gear) that I'm keeping around for now. I might migrate them over to Tumblr as well, I'm still learning about how it all works over there.

If anyone reads this, thanks for hanging around my strange little blog that never quite was. Come find me over on Tumblr!