Thursday, November 13, 2008

happy november!

Greetings, blogging world!

So has anyone else ever had the experience of reading a friend's blog and then following one of his/her friend links to the blog of someone else you know, and then following that person's link to another person you know, and so on and so forth? I did this the other day, and I'm pretty sure I discovered half of my graduating class here on Blogger. As such, I will probably be bookmarking and commenting randomly to people. If you happen to come by here, I apologize for not being very interesting ;-)

In lieu of actual words, here, let me share some really cute pictures!


that jordan girl said...

I do that all the time. Half the people I know and love from high school I found on YOUR bloggy blog. You need to blog more. I'm like a blog whore. That rhymed.

Anonymous said...

haha! i love the picture of the "hot dog" so cute!